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2018-01-08 min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 8, 2018 – 7:30 PM
Selectboard – Meeting w/ Adv. Cmte. – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  Adv. Committee members included Chair John Shipman, Judy Dino, Wayne Adams, George Handy and Don Schoeny
Chair Jon F. opened meeting 7:30 PM  – Voted all in favor to approve minutes for December 11th Exec. Session--not to release-- & Jan.29 minutes. It was noted that the Advisory Committee had just completed action with a vote to approve a Reserve Fund transfer for $20,420 to pay a contractor the cost to close out the PCB remediation project at T.P. School. Only Adv. Cmte. approval is needed.
Tax Title policy reviewed –Treasurer/Collector Jim Dunbar in to explain proposal for town to adopt a policy regarding taking properties for unpaid taxes, and the board received the draft. It was sent to auditor Tony Roselli recently but no reply as yet. After one year of unpaid taxes, properties go into tax title, meaning that the asset goes from the tax collector to the treasurer—this “perfects” the lien and increases interest (which accumulates on the taxes owed) from 14 to 16 percent. Although the next step is foreclosure followed by (usually) sale of the property by auction, few communities get that far, George H. pointed out. Foreclosure has court costs for the town, plus, a buyer at auction must wait for a 12-month grace period that’s provided for the owner (of record) to pay the tax debt and reclaim the property—and buyers typically cannot wait. He said most of the time the deed changes hands just before foreclosure, and that’s when town tax debt gets paid. The board agreed to finalize the policy at the next meeting after the auditor responds.
Fieldstone Farm, Renew Bond Anticipation Note – Jim D. reported on short-term bond at 1.39 percent interest for Fieldstone Farm to be paid off by early 2019. Selectboard voted all in favor to sign the note.
Joint Meeting with Advisory Committee:  7:50 PM   Two boards reviewed Debt Schedule & FY19 Budget/Capital Requests with Jim D., who reported no new debt this year. George H. questioned certain items, like leased vehicles, should be moved to operating line items in the budget, and wants to see the debt schedule for WRSD added to the Town’s debt schedule. Some discussion was about percentage of a town budget dedicated to the debt schedule, it was stated that it should be ideally no more that 6 – 8. Nina pointed out that the debt schedule and the budget presentations can be modified.
Accounting software  Group reviewed information about choosing new accounting software and finance staff looking at three vendors. Currently using Muniware. Suggestion raised to consider whatever neighboring communities are using, for recommendations as well as potential for immediate, informal support. Nina indicated that we were in progress of doing that already.
Regional Animal Control & Dispatch FY19 Budget numbers received and reviewed for these regional agencies. Rutland is host community for regional animal control, and they are considering ways to better manage staff hours in the field, including police temporarily dealing with problems off-hours. Town pays into ACO budget according to population.
Ad Hoc Financial Plan group reported  Rick McGowan, Bill Holder, Karen Cruise and Judy Dino have been researching town finances and debt schedule and Rick M. gave a report which he distributed. With 2.5 percent growth of the budget every year, the levy limit would be reached by 2023. This is considered unsustainable as the likelihood of a Prop. 2 ½ override to get above the levy limit is unlikely to pass ATM. He had suggestions for a 10 percent budget decrease across the board, such as cutting out new vehicle purchases, using a single fire station, eliminate full night shifts on police staff and lease a holding cell from neighboring community. Karen C. warned that the town is too small to support every wish, like a Senior Center, and maybe share one with a neighbor such as Rutland and provide a bus.
                Ad Hoc group agreed on only two paths forward: keep ramping up taxes and get everything people (seem to) want or lower the budget and cut back on services. Rick M. noted that residents are probably willing to pay a reasonable increase in taxes such as two percent/year. Karen C. said that citizens are looking to the Select Board for leadership. Jon F. said his board cannot take action without money, and that means approval of spending at ATM. Judy D. insisted the Select Board must make some proposals—just pick a course of action and see if it wins approval at ATM.
                Bill H., Rick M. and John Kowaleski have all crunched numbers, using different analytical methods, but all reached similar conclusion: that $6 – 8 million should be cap for new borrowing, as it reflects 7 – 10 percent debt service in the town’s budget. Richy B. insisted that without seeing where they got their numbers, he could not comment.
Sources for report to be shared  8:50 PM  Groups discussed ways to proceed and decided that Richy and Nina will meet with Rick M. and possibly others in ad hoc group to understand the methods used to form their conclusion.
Facilities Steering Committee update  The F.S.C. is meeting with the architects Jan. 9 at 5 PM and the library staff is invited. On Tuesday, Jan. 16, the Selectboard, Adv. Cmte. and F.S.C. meet at 7 PM.
Route 140 Reconstruction Project update   Bill H. reported that the appraisal contract has been signed and they’re ready to go with appraisals anticipated complete by March 16. Out of 41 easements required in East Princeton, at least 14 are being donated which waives the need for an appraisal. Nina mentioned that the appraiser has expressed concern with performing the appraisals in the winter, where they cannot fully see the ground cover. The Road Adv. Cmte. and others worked diligently to reduce the project cost to the town by $348,000 for historical street lighting in E.P. The state has agreed to paying for the lighting.
Parks & Recreation Commission appointment – Phil Gransewicz has served as alternate member and wishes to take an empty seat on board. Director Hollie Lucht has reported that three P & R members voted unanimously to support his appointment. The board voted to appoint Mr. Gransewicz as a full member on the Parks & Recreation Commission, with a term expiring on June 30, 2018, with Richy B. abstaining.
Seasonal Snow Helpers appointed   Selectboard voted all in favor to appoint to the position of Seasonal Snow Helper effective January 4th: Mr. Anders Narita & Mr. Alan Goodell.
Memorial Day Committee appointments   Selectboard voted all in favor to appoint Mr. Terry Hart, Ms. Sarah Custer, and Mr. Evan Lattimore for a term through June 30, 2020.  
Town Political Calendar reviewed  Deadlines must be finalized to submit warrant articles & citizens petitions for the May ATM. The Selectboard voted all in favor to set March 23, 2018 as the last day for department/citizens to submit articles. Selectboard members can still add to the warrant afterwards, given that the warrant is theirs to add or modify.
Social Media policy and upgrade to Town website  Nina noted she has reviewed samples from other communities of social media policies and stressed that Princeton needs one. Richy B. asked is anything was available from MMA and Nina agreed to look into it. Also, board should consider upgrading town website to make it more user-friendly and improve “search” functions. Upgrading with current vendor will cost $3,000 and will allow posting seamlessly to social media sites like Twitter. Board agreed that it may be best to look into it after ATM.
Recreational Trails Grant letter of support   A letter was reviewed in support of Wachusett Greenways submission for a Recreational Trails grant. Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the letter.
Request from Burrows Family re: attending Franklin County Voc. – Nina contacted DESE with the outstanding question of whether or not the town has authority to send a student to a school outside the district and will update the Burrows family and the Selectboard once a response is received.
Correspondence and T.A. report  A letter was submitted from the Historical Society for the F.S.C. outlining their needs for storage and meeting space. Nina is attending the MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show on January 19th and 20th with board members opting out this year.
Mechanics Hall Insurance  9:40 PM The town’s previous company will no longer cover vandalism, and broker has re-marketed the insurance with a new company, which includes vandalism. This firm sets the replacement cost at roughly $500k, and therefore 80 percent (after deductible) would be $400k which costs $2,212 in annual premium. Group discussed options, and as the building has little value there may be no plan to rebuild if Mechanics Hall were destroyed, so there’s no reason for replacement insurance and maybe there’s no reason to renew this policy.  Nina will ask about use of $400,000 payout and if it must be used to rebuild. Unless the payout has no re-build stipulations, all agreed that any insurance need only be enough to clean up and secure the site after a damaging event, for which Jon suggested self-insuring. Nina noted that the town’s general liability insurance covers all town property including Mechanics Hall site. Nina will bring board’s questions to the insurance broker and make a decision which she will then share with the board.
Payroll Warrant #13 – Selectboard voted all in favor to vote the rule of necessity in accordance with State Ethics Commission Advisory 05-05 to sign the past payroll warrant (#13).
Executive Session in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:-- Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.    Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”    ---   SEE SEPARATE MINUTES
Adjourned 9:52 PM In roll call, board voted to adjourn from Exec. Session and regular meeting

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.
Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Draft Tax Title policy; letter supporting grant for Wachusett Greenways; Bond Anticipation Note; Debt Schedule & FY19 Budget/Capital Requests; Regional Animal Control & Dispatch FY19 budgets; Ad Hoc Financial Plan group report; requests for appointments to committees/boards; Town Political Calendar; Social Media policy correspondence; Request/letter from Burrows Family; Historical Society letter

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department